2015年12月24日 星期四

When Your Parents Turn Toxic

When Your Parents Turn Toxic (當親情不再溫暖)

Xiao-zhen, my coworker, has a good nature and easily to get along with, as well as an able person. But she often stays at the office even she can get off work. We asked her why she kept staying at workplace. She confided that she has a picky mother, and is often provoked by her, feeling bad. Her mother likes to criticize her and being negative. In fact, we want her to leave home and find a new life. Sadly, she has to help take care of her ill father now.

      Today she told us that her mother said that the price of her land is going to go up from a piece of news revealed by radio. In addition, her mother ranted and raved, “ I want to give the land to the one who is most filial to us." Xiao-zhen said,” From that moment on, I realized how she was and felt no guilty and regret any more."


 Dear Xiao-zhen,


Take a good rest if you are feeling tired. Let those unsupportive people leave. Are you not exhausted? As long as you are willing to stride out of the room, you can embrace happiness. We want you to be happy.




小真是我公司的同事,她個性不錯很好相處,能力也是一流,但她常常下班不回家,留在公司。 她有個很挑剔的母親。她在言語中透露常常被她母親搞得很生氣,暗自流淚。尤其總是喜歡批評她,用很負面的言語對人。其實我們很想告訴她,找個男生嫁了,遠離是非地。但是因為她父親重病需要她幫忙照顧,她現在無法抽身。今天她跟我說,她母親聽到廣播說,農田旁的道路要拓寬,價值將會升高,並且跟她說誰比較孝順,就要以後把田地分給他。小珍說: 其實從頭到尾,我根本沒有想要那些田地,也沒有要求分地,但是她媽媽得寸進尺,以為自己發財了,別人都貪圖她的田地,開始指的她的頭說: 我跟你爸說,以後要把田地分給最孝順那一個。她說,從那刻起,她再也沒有愧疚了,也看破她母親是怎樣的人,反而很輕鬆,再也沒有後悔了。

   小珍,心累了,就休息吧! 讓那些是非之人去說吧! 你不累嗎? 其實你要勇敢跨出那一步,離開才是解開束縛的那一刻,以好好過生活,只要你願意。

