An Act of kindness(出自好心)
Jane is a mum of a
five-year-old. She went to the McDonald’s to buy a meal for her son, and saw an
unshaven man eating from the ketchup dispenser. She thought he is a homeless guy, so she bought him a meal from an act of kindness. But later a clerk put a meal
at the table to the paying customer.
Jane: I was mortified today.
Co-worker: What happened?Jane: I thought I was doing a good deed for a homeless man in McDonald’s. And It soon turned to a feeling of total embarrassment when a staff member also brought over a tray of food - that the man had just paid for.
Co-worker: Hahahahaha, really!!
Jane: I didn’t stick around to see if he ate the food I bought him too, I just ran out of the shop as quickly as I could.
珍妮: 我今天真是羞死了。
同事: 怎麼了?珍妮: 我以為我在麥當勞做好事,幫一個無家可歸的人。 結果店員也送了一份他付錢的餐給他,我實在尷尬死了。
同事: 哈哈哈,真的假的!!